amazon remars text

The Amazon re:MARS Conference looks to the future and focuses on Machine Learning, Automation, Robotics and Space. With a focus like that we had to hold the party at the nearby Battlebots Venue to have a full live show of future robotic chaos and destruction.

The party was opened by Starya who blasted cool beats and dancey vibes until Sega Genocide came on. The played 90s and 00s classics all night until the party ended.

At Production Club we believe the future is sustainable and saw a route to take by eliminating all print signage from the party and converting it to digital. We used over 3,000 square feet of large scale video screens to partition the space of the venue. Some runs were as long as 120ft and as high as 20ft. On them we scheduled various types of animated content that would typically be static like maps, schedules, welcome messaging, activity signage and added motion visuals and event countdowns. The bright screens acted as lighting for the party which had a bright, colorful vibe.

We pushed the idea all the way down to the bar menus which were custom designed and produced by Max Nicklas to be handheld toys displaying our cocktails that reacted to inertia and gravity changes as you moved them.

Experimental audiovisual artists Myriam Bleau and Brett Bolton performed. Myriam gave us a show of Soft Revolvers which is a custom designed audio and lighting tools that react to the speed she spun them at. Brett performed RADII, a real-time projection show centered around his drumset.

We had a jetpack guy! Gravity Industries, ran by Richard Browning gave us spectacle throughout the night as he flew above and around the venue.

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remars 2022 battlebots

Once the sun set the party turned into a cyberpunk spectacle, glowing multicolored electricity. People snacked at a food-truck-food-court and drank until Hypershock, a vertical disc spinner disemboweled all the other competition in the tournament.

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