
Notch's .party() 2023

the setting for .party(2023) was n8-44,  an abandoned airplane hangar turned international superclub. we scooped that shit out of europe and dropped it into the middle of the la memorial coliseum.

guests were led through a secret tunnel with lights blinding their view, down a laser-lined path to the entrance of the hidden club. bouncers required the guests to cover their cameras with stickers so all guests could feel free to express themselves without worrying about being recorded.

the club itself was littered with the history of previous events, developing a patina

layered with hundreds of various posters, stickers, and graffiti.

once guests were inside, they were treated to a constantly morphing space created by our massive automated ceiling, a 3-tiered dance floor and performances by planet rock, starya x-out, pedro b2b with zack bia, jamie xx and skrillex.

the next day the entire club was gone.

black and white photograph of a warehouse rave
girl in front of white van with 90s raver outfittwo people sitting on top of a van at a ravecamping at a rave in los Angeles red and purple lighting outside of a rave outside of rave with spotlights

between performers, we designed custom interludes that INCORPORATED lighting, dancers, and the tracks below. Music composed by @vijuuns.

(Previz of our automated production design)

11,000 stickers, 1,500 posters, and graffiti
to celebrate believable club patina

A group of people standing on top of a stage.
yellow graffiti notch party notch party lounge area 2023n8-44 notch club 2023notch party graffiti 2023notch dot party 2023  graffiti notch dot party bts
who men hugging at an underground rave notch and skrillex hugging dancer wearing black and yellow at a rave two women dressed in black at a rave goth woman portrait 2023 group of men posing together inside of a hallway woman in yellow chaps at a rave people dancing on top of a van at a rave woman wearing reflective jacket at a ravetwo women embracing at a rave

n8-44 will return.

n8-44 superclub
Notice at Collection